среда, 6 июня 2012 г.

Simple rules of good typography...

Here I would like to introduce you to several techniques to create a clean, stylish and professional typography, which will help to bring your work in web design and print advertising to a new level. Of course, rules are created in order to break them, but they know you just have to.

Do not use too many fonts.

Try to have your documents or websites you can find a sequence. It connects all the parts into a whole and allows you to not get lost in the structure. A good habit is to use no more than three different fonts.

не используйте больше трех шрифтов


It is very important in typography is to comply with the hierarchy of the page. All the important elements is to provide the size or make of the total body of the text. This is more than just look at the page and ask people about what they see in the first place. As a designer you have to think about relationships and hierarchies in the first place.

иерархия и выделение главных элементов

font Size.

Use no more than four font sizes in a document or Web site, and preferably all three. Again, this allows you to save a sequence of. Too many different sizes make the page fragmented. You can, for example, use a font with a large pocket for the title, medium and small for the entry to the main text. This will help contain the entire structure of clear and logical.

8 -10pt for body text.

Try to adhere to these values. This makes an array of text groomed and neat, and allows you to make a noticeable release titles and important elements. And remember, never go beyond the boundaries of 12pt.

Unreadable font - the font is not.

There is always room for abstract and avant-garde styles, but it is on the posters and signs. If you want to make the text readable, use standard fonts, chopped.

нечитаемый шрифт

row Height.

On Line space is often overlooked designers, because a lot easier to just use the standard distance. But trust me, thanks to the correct height of the lines can be exposed much more to improve the look of the document. Personally, I like to squeeze a bit standard row height. That is, if the font size of 12pt, and automatically put up a distance 16pt, I squeezed it to 14pt. Especially well it works with fonts like Helvetica. The point here is not to overdo it, bore down on the text to each other.

высота строк


Kerning - is the horizontal space between letters. Similarly, as in the height of rows, it requires close attention and each case should be considered separately. For example, a font Helvetica and Futura, I prefer it a little to reduce. But we need to ensure that, when manually configuring the distance the individual letters are not connected to each other, as can occur between r and t.

плохой кернинг

The focus and emphasis on.

This allows you to highlight key words and break up large paragraphs of text. Vast areas are very scared and do not allow readers to focus on the core. To avoid this you can change the color slightly, add the word ...

Do not bend the stick with the release of.

Select the word or block of text, use either italics or underlining, but never connect them. Too much emphasis does the page dirty and messy.

хорошее и плохое выделение

Do not use lower case letters in the body.

Perhaps the most simple rule. Never write in lower case, it affects the readability of.

Always align the text on the line.

Another simple rule. Ideally, use the alignment is not only horizontally but also vertically.

выравнивание по горизонтали

Adhere to standards alignment.

For English-language Internet is good practice to align to the left for the Russian-speaking - the entire width (justify). According to this when you create a site worth paying attention to such differences.

выравнивание по левому краю и по ширине

Length of lines.

The length of string in the text is decorated not only the appearance of the document, but also improves the readability of your text if the width is too large, it is worth thinking about how to split it into columns. Similarly, if short lines make the eyes too often jump from one side to another, make them wider.

Punctuation and a bulleted list.

It is these laws which are very easy to forget. Modern design programs do not correctly follow this point, as does the same points in a bulleted list should advocate for the bulk of the text. In the example below you can see the correct placement.

неправильная цитата
правильная цитата

Fibonacci series.

The first number of the Fibonacci series - 0 and 1, all the rest of the term are the two previous. Ever since the Renaissance, many architects and artists have followed the rule of the ... In typography, it is expressed through the ratio of the size of the font, indent, the height of rows and m. n. If you have to also take into consideration when developing the design, the sophistication of the work life pridadete.

0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144....


Typography - this is a great science, and I 'm sure many will disagree with those rules, about which I wrote above. But they are a kind of guide for beginners and adhering to them, you can create a truly beautiful design. I hope my advice will not pass freely.

Source: http://tutoras. com / good-typography /.

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